вівторок, 31 травня 2016 р.

Це запитання мучить багатьох, особливо тих, хто не може похвалитись дуже хорошим рівнем володіння мовою або описує свою підготовку фразою «треба з нуля». Що ж, допомога є у вигляді плану з поясненням кожного пункту. А якщо після статті ще залишаться запитання, сміливо залишай у коментарях. Відповідь неодмінно буде.

четвер, 19 травня 2016 р.


These inspiring quotes will help you stay motivated to improve your English every day. It's easy to get discouraged after a bad grade on a test or a particuarly difficult lesson. It is hard to learn a new language, and more importantly, it takes time, effort, and practice. But even when the task seems hard, it's never impossible, as these inspiring quotes will tell you. So change tactics, try something new, and keep on learning English!

середа, 4 травня 2016 р.

30 fun facts about the English language

    Over 840 million people speak English as a first or second language, which makes it the second most-spoken language right after Mandarin. It is an official language of a whopping 67 countries as well as 27 non-sovereign entities such as Hong Kong or Puerto Rico.
The English language is as fascinating as it is popular and obviously has its own history and quirks. Instead of only focusing on grammar and other theoretical aspects, don’t forget to enjoy its more entertaining side. To help you with this task, we have compiled a list of thirty fun and interesting facts about the English language. Continue reading to learn them and get ready to impress your friends with your newly gained knowledge!