вівторок, 27 грудня 2016 р.

How to teach the ever-elusive past perfect tense

Yes, it’s hard to find an ESL student who spontaneously uses the past perfect tense. In fact, there are some “native” English speakers who don’t use it either (along with other forms of “correct” English). But it must be taught, never overlooked, or your students will be lacking something that they need to take their English fluency to the next level. So, how can we teach the past perfect tense so that it may be fully grasped by our students? Here are the steps:

середа, 2 листопада 2016 р.

56 of the Most Useful Phrasal Verbs in English

Below are some of the most common phrasal verbs in the English language. We organized them alphabetically so they’re easy to find, but you can group them however you want when you’re learning them!

вівторок, 11 жовтня 2016 р.

вівторок, 4 жовтня 2016 р.

The idioms and expressions below are some of the most common in English. The example sentences show how idioms are used in context. Have fun!
1. as easy as pie means “very easy” (same as “a piece of cake”)
Example: He said it is a difficult problem, but I don’t agree. It seems as easy as pie to me!
2. be sick and tired of means “I hate” (also “can’t stand”)
Example: I’m sick and tired of doing nothing but work. Let’s go out tonight and have fun.

четвер, 29 вересня 2016 р.


Why teenagers find listening difficult
Some teachers find that their teenage students are often so busy chatting amongst themselves that the teacher has to make an effort to gain their attention and help them focus on the English lesson.

середа, 14 вересня 2016 р.

Writing Diaries

What makes a good learner diary
I feel that a learner diary, at its best, should be a private dialogue between a student and teacher. It doesn't only have to be about the learning process, but can be about almost anything that the learner would like to know or discuss. The most important thing is that it is real communication and that I, as a teacher, respond to the student in an 'authentic' way within this dialogue. This means that I share my genuine thoughts and opinions with the student rather than simply correcting their grammar and spelling.

середа, 24 серпня 2016 р.

вівторок, 2 серпня 2016 р.

Increasing Student Interaction

Maximising practice timeLearners need to practise as much as possible if they are to be successful. Interaction through pair and group work maximises the opportunities to practise as more learners speak for more of the time.

середа, 13 липня 2016 р.

Ways To Encourage More Use Of English In The Class

At first you might get frustrated when students speak their own language in class. Keep this checklist in mind and it may help.

понеділок, 27 червня 2016 р.

Interesting Facts About United Kingdom


  • London has the credit for the first hot chocolate store ever opened.
  • The English drink the most tea in the world.
  • It is against the law to get drunk in a pub in England.
  • In Scotland, it is against the law to get drunk and possess a cow.

пʼятниця, 10 червня 2016 р.

Teaching Idioms Is Teaching Fluency

Colorful language and powerful imagery make idioms a lot of fun for ESL learners. When you throw cats and dogs in a scene where they are falling from the sky, it’s hard to know exactly what a phrase might mean. It’s almost like a code-breaking game, where students must learn that when certain words come together in a phrase, they can mean something very different. 
It’s important to not only teach the meaning of idioms, but to also teach how to use them correctly and effectively. When a non-native speaker uses an idiom correctly, he or she will sound very fluent. But, on the other hand, if they bumble the phrase, they will sound the exact opposite.
Learning idioms is appropriate for intermediate to advanced students. If you teach an idiom lesson to beginners or low-intermediate learners, you may well be putting them in the bumbling category mentioned above. Teach idioms wisely and sparingly to ensure your students’ success.

вівторок, 31 травня 2016 р.

Це запитання мучить багатьох, особливо тих, хто не може похвалитись дуже хорошим рівнем володіння мовою або описує свою підготовку фразою «треба з нуля». Що ж, допомога є у вигляді плану з поясненням кожного пункту. А якщо після статті ще залишаться запитання, сміливо залишай у коментарях. Відповідь неодмінно буде.

четвер, 19 травня 2016 р.


These inspiring quotes will help you stay motivated to improve your English every day. It's easy to get discouraged after a bad grade on a test or a particuarly difficult lesson. It is hard to learn a new language, and more importantly, it takes time, effort, and practice. But even when the task seems hard, it's never impossible, as these inspiring quotes will tell you. So change tactics, try something new, and keep on learning English!

середа, 4 травня 2016 р.

30 fun facts about the English language

    Over 840 million people speak English as a first or second language, which makes it the second most-spoken language right after Mandarin. It is an official language of a whopping 67 countries as well as 27 non-sovereign entities such as Hong Kong or Puerto Rico.
The English language is as fascinating as it is popular and obviously has its own history and quirks. Instead of only focusing on grammar and other theoretical aspects, don’t forget to enjoy its more entertaining side. To help you with this task, we have compiled a list of thirty fun and interesting facts about the English language. Continue reading to learn them and get ready to impress your friends with your newly gained knowledge!

субота, 23 квітня 2016 р.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Shakespeare

April. It is the birthday of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare is a big mystery even  four hundred years after his death.  We know little about the life of this great genius.  All we know is about his works. A person lives by his works, not by the years. Indeed!

пʼятниця, 22 квітня 2016 р.

 елизавета 2 фото

Сьогодні, 21 квітня, британській королеві Єлизаветі II, яка знаходиться на троні з 1952 року і є британським монархом, який править найдовше в історії, виповнюється 90 років. Привітати монарха з днем народження на вулиці Лондона вийшли сотні британців - з національними прапорами, повітряними кульками та квітами.